Best LSI Keyword Research Tools To Make Your Life Easier

Latent semantic indexing or LSI is one of those fancy words in the SEO jargon that you hear and suddenly feel fascinated by. With the increasing digital traffic and and a cutting edge competition of ranking higher on the Google’s search engine results page ‘LSI’ keywords has become a starry term .

People in the SEO industry must have heard LSI keywords but for some this term is relatively new. So, what exactly are LSI keywords and what are the best tools for finding relevant LSI keywords absolutely free of cost .

What are LSI keywords in brief ?

To say the least LSI keywords are the related keywords. Basically, these keywords are the synonyms of your main keywords or provide some sort of relevance to your keyword .

For example- you write an article about ’boat’ . Now, the LSI keywords will help in providing the meaning or context to your article by helping the search engines identify, whether you are searching for a rowing boat or the tech wearables ‘brand boat’.

Now, supposedly you have drafted an article on the brand boat, then obviously your audience is the enthusiasts of tech wearables. In case your LSI keywords were weak and your article was available to the people looking for boats as objects in general, then you are definitely losing your target audience .

Relevancy of Lament samenting indexing keywords (LSI)

LSI keywords are an important and influential instrument of boosting your organic traffic and perhaps organic ranking. LSI keywords might sound fancy but are at your easy disposal on the internet with the help of some amazing LSI keyword tools that do not burn a hole in your pocket and let you find your relevant keywords for free .

List of best LSI keyword finding tools

  1. Long Tail Pro
    While finalising your keywords you should strategically opt for a combination of short tail and long tail keywords. If you are looking for the best LSI keywords in the long tail format. Then Long tail pro has to be your best friend. It provides you with a number of long tail keywords results within seconds of entering your seed keyword .

  2. Google AdWords Keyword Planner
    This keyword planning tool is designed especially for the marketers and advertisers. If you are planning for an online ad campaign and you are looking for the keywords that can target your display ads, search ads, video ads and more. Then Google adwords is your desired place .

    It not only fetches you the most useful LSI keywords but also displays the keyword search volume for that keyword. With the right use of Google analytics you can have best keyword ideas, as group ideas as well as their monthly search competition .
  3. SEOPressor connect
    There is no denying that wordpress is the widely used and most famous content management system available which provides easy access to managing a website. And SEOPressor connect is not merely a LSI keyword tool but a full fledged wordpress plugin .

    So if you are planning your website content and want to rank your website higher. You know which is your best keyword place. It will help you in optimising your website exactly in an Google appropriate manner making it a win win option for you .
  4. Google AutoComplete
    This is one of the simplest, easiest and authentic tools for finding your LSI keywords. All you have to do is typing your seed keyword and linking it with the Google search bar. And Google itself will find you the best related keywords .

    When you find a fascinating word in the results. All you have to do is click on it and scroll down till the bottom of the page to find out the best semantic keywords .
    There are two versions available of this tool one of which is the PRO version(paid) while the other one is the free version. This keyword tool in its free version also extremely useful in finding the required LSI words .

    This tool has been especially famous in the SEO circuit for its reliability and extra features such as competition, cost per click, search volume, etc .
  6. Niche Laboratory
    As the name only reflects the speciality of this tool. It provides the best LSI keywords as per your niche and also assists you with providing different topics to write about that are related to your primary keyword

    It also offers various solutions like:

    Niche specific images

    Top ranking websites that can help with meta content

    Niche related products on large ecommerce websites

  7. LSI Graph
    This is yet another keyword tool that is widely used. Most bloggers use LSI graph to find out the best performing keywords for their article. Also, this is another tool which is not simply a keyword finder but a fully functioning wordpress plugin .
  8. Keyword Eye
    This is a competitive keyword search tool which is trusted and used by more than 50K loyal users on a regular basis. People dealing on platforms like Amazon and Youtube make for its solid customer base .
    staging-dev34-2 .
  9. Keys4up
    This is an easy and extremely useful tool for fetching LSI keywords. It comes up with about 10 suggestions initially. But after registering with a valid email address,it provides you with a full list related keywords in the .CSV format that you can use on the excel or google files as per your convenience .
    The USP of this app is its feature of suggesting how frequently the suggested LSI keywords should be used in your web content .
  10. Ultimate Keyword Hunter
    Last but not least is this tool for finding keywords which is only available and accessible to the windows system. It is also relatively complicated to use when put together with all other options. But it gets extremely simple and helpful once you get accustomed to it .

This tool provided well calculated results by analysing the top 50 websites.


LSI keywords are indispensable to the whole SEO process and must be included to provide right context to your keywords and to boost organic rankings of your website. There are generous amount of LSI keywords tools available on the internet that not only provides effective LSI keywords for free but also helps you immensely with their extra amazing features .